Vankleek Hill Portrait & Family Photographer | The Beauty Of Spring
July 18, 2022
“Spring is nature’s way of saying, ‘let’s party!’ - Robin Williams
As the blossoms rose up, my camera came out.
Taking in the all bright colours & fruitful fragrance of the Vankleek Hill Tulip Fields was an experience I wanted to pause for a little while. Luckily, time was able…
Champlain Photographer | Looking Out My Back Door
March 23, 2022
I’m sure you’re at least somewhat familiar with the creation story as told in The Bible. Everything on Earth was created in the span of six days, and the seventh day (Sunday) was a well-deserved rest day. Well, I believe ‘Glass Forests’ deserve their own day. The honorary eighth day…
Niagara Portrait Photographer | Thornley Family Beach Session
February 25, 2022
A while ago, I shared on Instagram the importance of sharing the work you love the most. The work that inspires you. The work that you wish to always create.
Well, this Family Beach Session fits all that criteria perfectly.
From the heavy mist of the unexpected rain to the…